Your child has received an invitation for vaccination against 3 infectious diseases: mumps, measles and rubella. Please find below the translation of this invitation letter in several languages.
- رسالة الدعوة للتطعيم ضد 3 أمراض معدية: النكاف والحصبة والحصبة الألمانية
- قم بتنزيل المنشور، احمِ طفلك بالتطعيمات
- Invitation for vaccination against three infectious diseases: mumps, measles and rubella
- Download the Brochure Protect your child with vaccinations
- List z zaproszeniem na szczepienie przeciwko 3 chorobom zakaźnym: świnka, odra i różyczka
- Pobierz broszurę dotyczącą ochrony dzieci poprzez szczepienia
- ን3 ተመሓላለፍቲ ሕማማት መከላኸሊ ዝኸውን ክትባት ንምውሳድ እትዕድም ደብዳበ፥ ንጽግዕ፣ ንንፍዮን ንፍሮማይን
- ንውላድኩም ብኽትባት ካብ ሕማማት ተኸላኸልሉ ንዘርእስታ ጽሕፍቲ ካብ ኢንተርነት ኣውርድዋ።