National Immunisation Programme

Young children are the most vulnerable to infectious diseases. Since every child has the right to the best possible start in life, the Dutch government offers every child vaccinations against 12 infectious diseases. Young parents automatically receive an invitation for their baby. Children who live in an asylum shelter receive an invitation for a meeting with Youth Health Care Services. A vaccination plan is tailor-made for them, based on the vaccinations they have already had. 

All children in The Netherlands have the right to be vaccinated, also children who are not officially registered for whatever reason. An invitation for vaccination is not needed. Please contact the youth health service or well baby clinic in your region to get your child vaccinated.

Parents do not have to pay for these vaccinations. While participation is not compulsory, over 95% of parents consent to having their children vaccinated. The high vaccination rate means that these serious diseases have now become a rarity. We need to keep it that way by ensuring that children are vaccinated. The RIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu), responsible for the implementation of the Dutch National Immunisation Programme, is an executive agency, sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. 

Vaccination schedule

To ensure that children receive maximum protection against these diseases, vaccinations are given in four steps. As from august 2011 all babies receive also vaccination against hepatitis B. Infants whose mothers are hepatitis B carriers also receive hepatitis B vaccination within 48 hours of birth.
It is essential that children complete the vaccination cycle as scheduled. If your child has not been vaccinated as scheduled, you need to seek medical advice to ensure that your child receives adequate protection.

Age Injection 1 Injection 2
9 weeks ROTA (drops, no injection)  
3 months DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV PCV  and ROTA (drops, no injection)
5 months DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV PCV
11 months DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV PCV
14 months MMR MenACWY
4 years DTaP-IPV  
9 years DT-IPV MMR

10 years

HPV Humaan Papillomavirus (Humaan Papillomavirus) HPV (6 months later)
14 years MenACWY  

Extra DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV vaccination at the age of 2 months

A child receives an extra vaccination at the age of 2 months if the mother was not vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis) during pregnancy, and in case of special circumstances. The doctor or nurse at your well baby clinic will discuss this with you.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. These are also called micro-organisms. You can get an infectious disease by consuming contaminated food or drinks, by inhaling micro-organisms that float in the air or through contact with someone who is infected. There are many harmless infectious diseases from which you do not become very ill and that disappear by themselves. Other infectious diseases can be dangerous. You can become very ill and develop serious complications. Older people and young children are particularly susceptible to infectious diseases and are at the greatest risk of serious complications or death. Vaccination reduces the risk of serious disease and complications and ensures that dangerous infectious diseases are less common.

Herd immunity

For many infectious diseases, herd immunity, group immunity or group protection is of great importance. That means that when many children are vaccinated against a certain infectious disease, this disease becomes less common. Children who are not vaccinated are also less likely to get the infectious disease. They are protected by the group of vaccinated children. In order to create and maintain this group protection, it is important that as many children as possible are vaccinated. If almost all children are vaccinated, a disease may even disappear altogether.

The National Immunisation Programme protects against 13 different infectious diseases. We briefly describe the different diseases and the vaccinations below.


Measles is caused by a virus. This virus is highly contagious and is transmitted through the air by coughing and sneezing. You can get infected by someone with measles in your school class or by walking by someone with measles in the supermarket. You can contract measles if you have not had measles or have not been vaccinated against measles. A person that has been vaccinated may still get measles. But a fully vaccinated person is more likely to have a milder illness. Children receive 2 vaccinations against measles, at 14 months and at 9 years of age through the National Immunisation Programme.


Mumpsis called ‘de bof’ (B) in Dutch. It is caused by a virus that is spread through the air. People can infect each other by sneezing and coughing. Before the vaccination against mumps was introduced, approximately 85% of the people contracted the mumps. The mumps frequently caused meningitis and deafness. The MMR vaccination was introduced in 1987. Children receive 2 vaccinations, at 14 months and at the age of 9.


Rubella is called ‘rodehond’ in Dutch. It is a highly contagious disease caused by the rubella virus. Usually you do not become very ill. The virus spreads through coughing and sneezing. The virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women because it can lead to miscarriage or severe birth defects in their unborn child. Children receive 2 vaccinations against rubella, at 14 months and at the age of 9.


Diphtheria is a highly contagious infection with a bacterium. The bacterium can be transmitted through coughing or by touching. Usually you become ill 2 to 5 days after infection. The bacterium often damages tissue, such as the skin or lungs. Before there was a vaccination against diphtheria in the Netherlands, many children died.


Poliomyelitis is also known as child paralysis. Polio is caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted from person to person through contaminated food, infected faeces or contaminated water or through small droplets in the air. The infection can lead to paralysis. Before the vaccination was introduced in 1957, polio occurred often and people regularly died from the disease. The last polio epidemic took place in 1992/1993 among unvaccinated people.

Whooping cough

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is called ‘kinkhoest’ (K) in Dutch. It is a disease caused by a bacterium. People can infect each other by coughing. Whooping cough is especially dangerous for young babies. They can become very distressed and exhausted. Almost every year, one or two babies die of whooping cough in the Netherlands.

Babies can only be vaccinated once they are six weeks old. The Health Council of the Netherlands therefore recommends that pregnant women should be offered a whooping cough vaccination in the third trimester, i.e. between 28 and 32 weeks. 


Tetanus, also known as lockjaw or trismus, is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. As soon as the bacterium (which can be found in street refuse, for example) enters an open wound, a tetanus infection can be contracted. Since 1954, children have been receiving a vaccination against tetanus, 4 times before their first birthday and at the ages of 4 and 9.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus. It can be transmitted from mother to child at birth, through sexual contact or through contact with infected blood. Children who have contracted hepatitis B are at particular risk of becoming chronic carriers of the virus. Children receive a vaccination against hepatitis B four times before their first birthday.

Hib disease

Hib stands for Haemophilus influenzae type b, a bacterium that occurs occasionally in the nasal cavity of almost all people. The bacterium usually does not pose a danger and you do not become ill or it remains limited to a runny nose, strep throat, ear infection or sinusitis. In young children, the infection can be serious and cause pneumonia, meningitis or a life threatening throat infection. The vaccination against Hib diseases has been part of the National Immunisation Programme since 1993. Children receive four vaccinations against Hib before their first birthday.

Meningococcal disease

Meningococcal disease is a disease caused by a bacterium, the meningococcus. There are several types of this bacterium. Types A, B, C, W and Y are the best known. You can carry the meningococcus in your nose and you do not necessarily become ill from it. The bacterium is transmitted from one person to another by air, by coughing and sneezing, or by direct contact (kissing). Vaccination against types A, C , W and Y have been included in the National Immunisation Programme.

HPV Humaan Papillomavirus (Humaan Papillomavirus)

HPV is the abbreviation for human papilloma virus. There are many different HPV viruses. Types 16 and 18 are the most dangerous and cause 70% of the cases of cervical cancer. Also, HPV infections may cause cancer of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus and the back of the throat. HPV is highly contagious and very common.  Since 2022, both boys and girls who turn 10 receive 2 vaccinations against HPV.

Pneumococcal disease

Pneumococcal disease is caused by bacteria. There are many different pneumococci. Many people carry pneumococci and do not become ill. You can infect each another by sneezing, coughing or kissing, even if you are not ill yourself. Pneumococci can cause a middle ear infection, sinusitis and bronchitis, but can also lead to severe pneumonia, meningitis or blood poisoning. You can die from these severe forms. Babies receive 3 vaccinations against pneumococcal disease before their first birthday.


The rotavirus causes an inflammation in the gastrointestinal system. Infected children risk dehydration due to prolonged or severe diarrhoea. Rotavirus infections are particularly common among young children up to two years of age. The rotavirus is very contagious.
Read more about the rotavirus.



The vaccinations are given from the age of six weeks at the well baby clinic in the neighbourhood. Children who live in an asylum shelter receive an invitation for a meeting with Youth Health Care Services. A vaccination plan is tailor-made for them, based on the vaccinations they have already had.

Vaccination schedules in several languages can be found below
Click to view the film How do vaccines work








Click to view the film How do vaccines work?

DPTP-Hib-HepB vaccination

The DPTP-Hib-HepB vaccination protects children against 6 serious infectious diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, polio, Hib disease and Hepatitis B. Before a child turns one year it receives 3 vaccinations at 3 months, 5 months and 11 months.
Since these infectious diseases are especially dangerous for very young children, vaccination is very important at a young age. For complete and long-lasting protection, it is necessary to give the vaccinations multiple times at sufficient intervals. The child receives the vaccination in the arm or leg.

Pneumococcal vaccination

The pneumococcal vaccination protects against 10 types of pneumococci. These types are the main causes of pneumococcal disease in young children. The vaccination against pneumococci is given three times, simultaneously with the DKTP Difterie, Kinkhoest, Tetanus en Poliomyelitis (Difterie, Kinkhoest, Tetanus en Poliomyelitis)-Hib-HepB vaccination. A child will then receive a vaccination in both arms or legs.
Children receive their first pneumococcal vaccination when they are 3 months old. They receive another vaccination when they are 5 and 11 months old. The vaccinations are given at the well baby clinic. 

BMR Bof, Mazelen en rodehond (Bof, Mazelen en rodehond) vaccination 

The BMR vaccination, or MMR vaccination in English, protects against mumps, measles and rubella. The first vaccination is effective in 95% of the children. Children receive the MMR vaccination twice, at 14 months and at the age of 9. After 2 vaccinations, more than 99% of the children are protected. The vaccination for toddlers at 14 months is given at the well baby clinic; when children are 9 years of age they receive the vaccination at the Municipal Public Health Service or a Youth and Family Centre. This is different for each region.

Meningococcal ACWY vaccination

The Meningococcal ACWY vaccination protects against the meningococci bacterium, type A, C, W and Y. The bacterium is especially dangerous for very young children. Children can become seriously ill in a few days due to meningitis or blood poisoning. Children aged 14 months receive an invitation from the well baby clinic for this vaccination. The vaccination is given at the same time as the MMR vaccination. Thus, they receive 2 vaccinations, both in the upper arm.
In May 2018 the Meningococcal C vaccination was replaced by the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination.
 In 2020, young people aged 14 will receive an invitation for vaccination.

DKTP vaccination 

The DKTP vaccination, or DPTP vaccination in English, is a booster vaccination. This is necessary because by the time a child is 4 years old, protection against these diseases declines. The vaccination is given in the arm. Parents receive a call-up for this vaccination from the well baby clinic.

DTP Difterie, Tetanus en Poliomyelitis (Difterie, Tetanus en Poliomyelitis) vaccination

At the age of 9, children receive a DTP vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and polio. The DTP vaccination is the last in the series of child vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus and polio. This vaccination protects children against these contagious infectious diseases for a long time. The vaccination is given simultaneously with the 2nd MMR vaccination. The vaccination is usually given in the upper arm. The vaccination is given by the Municipal Public Health Service or a Youth and Family Centre. Parents receive a call-up for this vaccination for their child. 

HPV Humaan Papillomavirus (Humaan Papillomavirus) vaccination

The HPV vaccination protects boys and girls against 2 dangerous types of HPV-viruses, types 16 and 18. These types cause 70% of all cases of cervical cancer.  Also, HPV infections may cause cancer of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus and oral- and pharyngeal cancer. Vaccination protects for about 80-95% against cervical cancer and 71 – 87% for other HPV related cancers. To ensure maximum effect from the vaccination it is important that children are vaccinated before they have their first sexual contacts. That is why boys and girls are offered the vaccination in the year they turn 10. They receive two vaccinations, within half a year. The vaccination is given in the upper arm. The vaccinations are provided by the Municipal Public Health Service or a Youth and Family Centre. That differs by region. Boys and girls receive an invitation by mail.

22-week vaccination

As of 16 December 2019, the 22-week vaccination against whooping cough is offered by the Dutch National Immunisation Programme. A pregnant woman can protect her baby against whooping cough by getting vaccinated herself. This ensures that the baby is protected from the moment they enter the world until they get vaccinated themselves. The vaccination is given from the 22 second week of pregnancy. That is why it is called the 22-week vaccination.

Rotavirus vaccination

Vaccination protects against serious consequences of a rotavirus infection. Children get the vaccine at around six to nine weeks and again at three months after birth. The vaccine is a liquid in a small tube. Children get the vaccine by mouth, in drops. They do not get an injection. Rotavirus vaccination is available for all children born on or after 1 January 2024.

Read more about the rotavirus vaccination

Vaccination schedule of The Netherlands

Vaccination schedule of Bonaire

Vaccination schedule of Saba

Vaccination schedule of St. Eustatius

Side effects

A side effect is an undesirable effect from a medicine or vaccine. The desired effect from a vaccination is protection against infectious diseases. All other effects are side effects. A sore arm, a red spot, or a swelling at the vaccination site are examples of side effects. Since there is ongoing research on side effects, most side effects from vaccines are known. Side effects are usually innocuous and involve a mild fever or a red, swollen area where the jab is given. Small children may be somewhat listless and often cry longer. Side effects usually disappear within several days. Serious side effects are very rare.

Strict safety requirements are imposed on vaccines. Before a vaccine is brought on the market it is extensively researched and tested. As with medicines, both efficacy and possible side effects are examined. Even if a vaccine has been approved and found to be safe, the investigation on side effects continues. Precisely because vaccines are given to healthy children and people, the organisations involved take a very critical look at side effects.

Reporting a side effect

If you believe that a child has a side effect from a vaccination, you can report this to the well baby clinic or the Municipal Public Health Service that vaccinated your child. You can also report a side effect yourself to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb.

Well baby clinic

When their baby is about 2 months old, parents receive an invitation from the RIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) about the National Immunisation Programme. This invitation includes a letter, an information brochure, a vaccination certificate and a set of call-up cards for the different vaccinations until the age of 4.

If a child is 3 months old and parents have not yet received an invitation for the first vaccinations, they can contact the Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes (DVP) in the region.

The home visit

Approximately 2 weeks after the birth, young parents receive a visit from a nurse from the well baby clinic. This home visit is meant for a first acquaintance. The child is not being medically examined at this time. The medical examination happens a few weeks later at the well baby clinic. During the first visit, parents can ask questions or express their concerns. The staff member of the well baby clinic will also briefly tell you about the invitation to participate in the National Immunisation Programme. After a couple of weeks the child receives the first vaccination, so there is enough time to learn more about vaccination.

The first visit

The nurse who attended a home visit usually makes an appointment to examine the child at the well baby clinic for the first time. The appointment usually finds place at the nearest well baby clinic when the child is 4 weeks old.

Youth health care doctors and nurses work at a well baby clinic. Together they evaluate the health of all children from 0 to 4 years. The children also receive the vaccinations from the National Immunisation Programme at the well baby clinic. There are approximately 880 locations in the Netherlands where the vaccinations are given.

During the first visit, the baby is examined by a youth health care doctor. The doctor or nurse also discusses the sleeping and eating habits of the child with the mother, father or caregiver. The general development of the child is also monitored at the well baby clinic.

Consent for vaccination

When a baby is 3 months old, it also receives the first 2 vaccinations. Before the vaccinations are given, the doctor examines the baby. If the child is not completely fit, it may be decided to postpone the vaccination. The doctor or nurse will also ask the parent for permission to give the vaccination(s). This request for permission is only made for the first vaccination and is recorded in the digital file of Youth Health Care Services (JGZ Jeugdgezondheidszorg (Jeugdgezondheidszorg)).

Follow-up appointments at the well baby clinic

During the first months, the baby is regularly expected at the well baby clinic. During these visits, the doctor examines the child and discusses the child's development with the parents. During these visits, the baby also receives another vaccination. A child receives 8 vaccinations before it is 14 months old.

Contact and questions

If you have any questions and are unable to find an answer on this website, please contact the well baby clinic or the Municipal Public Health Service in your neighbourhood.

Would you like to request a new call-up card for vaccinations?

You can request a new set of call-up cards through the Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes (DVP) in your region. If you have a vaccination appointment at your JGZ Jeugdgezondheidszorg (Jeugdgezondheidszorg) organisation in the short term, you can simply have it go through. The JGZ organisation will use a duplicate of the call-up card to register the given vaccination.

Where can I request vaccination data or a vaccination certificate?

In connection with our privacy guidelines you must provide the Citizen Service Number, date of birth, name and current address of the person for whom you would like to receive data. If you have lost your vaccination certificate or that of your child you can apply to one of the Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes for a duplicate.

Contact information Department for Vaccine Supply and Prevention Programmes

For vaccination data of your child, please contact the office of the region where your child lives. For your own vaccination data, please contact the office in the region where you lived when you were 12 years old.

  • RIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu)-DVP Noord-Oost (Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe, Overijssel, Flevoland, Gelderland) 
    (088) 689 8950 or
  • RIVM-DVP West (Utrecht, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland)
    (088) 689 8930 or 
  • RIVM-DVP Zuid (Noord-Brabant, Limburg, Zeeland) 
    (088) 689 8940 or

Your permission

This information in different languages:

Your permission

With the National Immunisation Programme (NIP), we protect children from serious infectious diseases. RIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) organises the NIP. The youth healthcare services (JGZ Jeugdgezondheidszorg (Jeugdgezondheidszorg)) give the vaccinations in the local area, such as at a well baby clinic or in a sports hall.
Due to the law, we need your permission for the NIP. Here, we explain what this is all about.

Two permissions for the NIP

According to the law, we need permission to:

  • give the vaccinations, and
  • exchange data between the JGZ and RIVM.

It is important that you know what the permissions are about. For this reason, RIVM sends out a brochure with each of the vaccination invitations. The information in the brochure will help you to decide whether or not to give your permission.

During the visit to the JGZ, the doctor or nurse will tell you about the vaccinations and what you can expect. You will also be able to ask questions. The JGZ doctor or nurse will then ask for the permissions.

You can give the permissions verbally to the JGZ doctor or nurse. You do not need to sign anything. The permissions are valid for the entire NIP. You can change your mind at any time if you wish, by telling the JGZ this. You don't have to give a reason.

Who can give permission?

The person from whom the JGZ will request permission depends on the age of the child:

  • for children up to 12 years of age, we request permission from the parent(s),
  • for children from 12 to 16, we request permission from the parent(s) and the child, and
  • from the age of 16, we only ask the child for permission.

This is required by law.

What is the permission for the exchange of data between the JGZ and RIVM about?

If you have given permission for the vaccination, and you have had a vaccination, the JGZ will record the vaccination details accurately. These details state which vaccine has been given, and where and when this took place.

The JGZ will pass on this information to RIVM, as RIVM uses the data to run the NIP and to monitor whether the programme is working properly.

The JGZ will always pass on the vaccination details to RIVM. If you agree to this, the JGZ will also share your personal details with RIVM. The JGZ is not just allowed to pass on personal details (name, address, place of residence, social security number (BSN Burger Service Nummer (Burger Service Nummer)), date of birth, gender) without your consent. All participants will always be asked for permission first.

Sharing vaccination details together with personal details between the JGZ and RIVM has many advantages.
RIVM can contribute to your health if it knows which vaccinations you have had:

  • For example, RIVM will send you a reminder for a vaccination if you have not already had this vaccination.
  • You can also easily request an overview of all the vaccinations you have received from RIVM, for example if you have lost the vaccination certificate. These kinds of vaccination overviews are sometimes necessary for a trip abroad. It may also be useful when visiting a doctor or hospital.
  • In addition, RIVM always checks afterwards whether you have received the right vaccine at the right time.

RIVM can also use the data to keep a close eye on public health:

  • If there is an outbreak of an infectious disease in the Netherlands, RIVM will know exactly how many people are already protected with a vaccination and who they are. This allows RIVM to assess whether the disease might spread, and so also whether action should be taken. For example, this may take the form of inviting people to an extra or new vaccination.
  • RIVM also monitors the quality of the NIP. RIVM checks whether and for how long the vaccinations offer good protection for the Dutch population.
Watch the film What is the permission for the exchange of data about?







Watch the film What is the permission for the exchange of data about?

Click to download the infographic: What are the consequences of giving permission or not


Download the infographic: What are the consequences of giving permission or not

More information about the permission for the exchange of data between the JGZ and RIVM

What data does the JGZ exchange with RIVM?

Have you received a vaccination? In that case, the JGZ will always pass on the following vaccination details to RIVM (i.e. also without your permission):

  • what type of vaccine the JGZ has given and against which disease(s) the vaccine provides protection,
  • the batch number of the vaccine,
  • the date on which the vaccination was carried out by the JGZ, and
  • the JGZ organisation that gave the vaccination and the location where the JGZ gave the vaccination. This may be at a well baby clinic, for example.

Have you given permission for the exchange of vaccination details with personal details? If so, the JGZ will pass on the vaccination details to RIVM together with personal details (name, address, place of residence, BSN, date of birth, gender). You can read how RIVM handles personal details in the privacy statement.

What are the consequences of giving or not giving permission for the exchange of vaccination data together with personal data?
You can give permission for giving the NIP vaccinations but choose not to give permission for the exchange of vaccination data with personal data. In this case, RIVM will not know which vaccination you have received. This means that you will be responsible for keeping track of which vaccinations you have received. You can do this by carefully storing the vaccination certificate. You must then ensure that the JGZ updates the vaccination certificate properly with each vaccination.
More information about the consequences of giving or not giving permission for the exchange of data for the NIP can be found in the infographic.

Who can view the vaccination details with personal details at RIVM?
Only a small number of RIVM employees can view the data. For example, these are NIP employees who will give you a vaccination overview if you request it.

Is the vaccination details with personal details used for scientific research by RIVM?
RIVM only uses vaccination details with personal details for scientific research to carry out statutory tasks, for example to check whether the NIP is working properly.
For other scientific research, researchers may only use anonymous data. This means that the researchers will not receive any personal details. It may sometimes be necessary to use personal details for research. We will always ask you for additional permission before doing so. You can always refuse this permission.
In all cases, the results of research can no longer be traced back to individuals.

How long is the data stored?
The JGZ stores the data for up to 20 years after the last contact with a patient. RIVM retains the data up to the age of 18 and for at least 15 years thereafter. This is required by law.

Can you have your data deleted?
You cannot have data deleted at the JGZ. By law, the JGZ must keep patient data.
At RIVM, however, you can have data deleted. To do so, please contact one of the regional offices of RIVM (the Vaccine Provision and Prevention Programmes (DVP)).

Information about rights in healthcare
More information about your rights in healthcare can be found on the website of the Dutch government.

Translations of letters and brochures in several languages

Here you can find translations of the brochures and the letters of National Immunisation Programme (Rijksvaccinatieprogramma) in several languages.