Rotavirus can cause gastrointestinal infections (inflammation of the stomach and intestines).  Children may become dehydrated from long-lasting or severe diarrhoea. Rotavirus infections are common in young children aged 0–2 years. Rotavirus is highly contagious.

Factsheet on rotavirus

How does the virus spread?

Through contact with hands and mouth

Common symptoms

Vomiting, (severe) diarrhoea, fever, abdominal pain

Severe symptoms


Which vaccination offers protection?

Rotavirus vaccination

Symptoms of a rotavirus infection

Not all children infected with rotavirus become ill. Symptoms usually do occur when a child has rotavirus for the first time. A subsequent infection causes fewer symptoms. The symptoms often start suddenly and may include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • (severe) diarrhoea
  • fever
  • abdominal pain or abdominal cramps

The symptoms last 4 to 9 days. Sometimes a child becomes dehydrated from diarrhoea and has to go to hospital.  The time between exposure and illness is 1 to 3 days.

How does the rotavirus spread?

The virus is found in the stool (poo) of an infected person. After using the toilet, the virus may be left on the toilet seat, the flush button, the tap or the door handle. Hand contact can transfer the virus to the mouth. Hand contact can also transfer the virus to toys, utensils, dishes and food.

Anyone can get a rotavirus infection, but young children and older people have a higher risk of becoming ill. People living or working in close contact are more likely to be exposed. This includes children in a daycare centre.
If you have had a rotavirus infection before, it can make you ill again, but you usually have fewer symptoms.

Rotavirus is highly contagious.  Rotavirus infections are common in young children aged 0–2 years. Almost every child has at least one rotavirus infection before the age of five. About 3,500 children are admitted to hospital due to a rotavirus infection every year. Five or six children a year die from the effects of the disease.

Children born after 1 January 2024 will be offered a rotavirus vaccination through the National Immunisation Programme.

Was your child born in 2023? Then you can arrange the rotavirus vaccinations yourself through your GP or the Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs), if your child is not too old yet. The Rotarix® vaccine should not be administered to children aged 24 weeks and older, and the RotaTeq® vaccine should not be administered to children aged 33 weeks and older. You will have to pay for the vaccine and doctor’s appointment yourself. Contact your GP or the GGD to discuss whether the vaccination is necessary for your child. 

Rotavirus after a vaccination

Even after vaccination against rotavirus, your child can still get a rotavirus infection. But your child is much less likely to become seriously ill.

A rotavirus infection usually goes away on its own. If you are worried about the symptoms, talk to your family doctor (GP). Make sure your child drinks a lot. This is important to prevent dehydration.

Besides having your child vaccinated against the rotavirus, you can also take measures yourself.

Wash your hands with water and soap:

  • before preparing food or baby bottles
  • before eating food
  • after going to the toilet
  • after changing a nappy or helping someone go to the toilet
  • after cleaning, including wiping tables and counters
  • after petting or cuddling animals
  • after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose

Also watch the video Washing your hands – Do it often and do it thoroughly (in Dutch).

Other than that:

  • Clothes or bedding that have poo or vomit on them can be machine-washed. Do not overfill the washing machine. Run the full wash cycle at 40 degrees or hotter. Then dry the wash in the dryer or iron it as hot as possible.
  • Toys that children put in their mouths should be cleaned every day. You can use normal household cleaners for this.

Video: what is rotavirus?

Textalternatief - RIVM Rotavirus

This animation provides information about rotavirus infections, the related symptoms, and strategies for prevention.

The rotavirus comes into play.

A rotavirus infection is
caused by an infectious disease.

A child with rotavirus appears, with thickening and reddening (inflammation) of the stomach and intestines beside.

If you have a rotavirus infection, your
stomach and intestines will be affected.

All symptoms appear sequentially.

You will suffer fever, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting.
These symptoms usually last 4 to 6 days.

An image of stool appears on the screen.

Rotavirus spreads through stool
material, also known as poop.

A toilet and a hand with a virus appear.

When people use the toilet,
they can get the virus on their hands...

The virus moves sideways and lands on the person on the left.

causing them to become...

The virus moves from the left person to the right person.

infected or infect someone else.

We see many children with the rotavirus.

Rotavirus is very common.

The children disappear, leaving only one, with diarrhea appearing next to them.

Young children aged 6 to 24
months are particularly vulnerable.
Children often develop severe
diarrhoea and can become dehydrated.

A hospital icon appears.

3,500 children with rotavirus end
up in hospital every year as a result.

Hands washing and the rotavirus with a descending icon appear.

Washing your hands thoroughly
reduces the risk of rotavirus.

We see the child again, with a vaccination next to it.

Babies aged 6 weeks and up can
get a vaccination against rotavirus.

The syringe is replaced by drops.

It is an oral vaccine, not an injection.
It is administered by putting
drops in the childs mouth.

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